Our Hele Process:
1. Once you place your order, you will be emailed an order confirmation with a link to schedule a pick up appointment
2. See you at the warehouse when you come to pick up your products! OR we will contact you about shipping to neighbor islands
Military members may use code: "mil2021" to receive 10% off your order. MUST USE AT POINT OF SALE! Please provide a valid ID when picking up your equipment.
Everything you need to BEAST the ACFT! This package comes with the equipment and even the programming you need to help you train for a passing score on the test!
Package includes:
- 1 Hex Bar (Flat with "D" handle)
- 1 260lb stack of bumper plates
- 1 Pair of collars
- 1 Training sled
- 1 10lb Slam Ball
- 2x 44lb Kettlebells
- 1 Hele ACFT Programming App